Rain rain came today!

Okay maybe not just rain, but a full on storm arrived today.

Which I am semi happy about, I mean I did pray last night that we would be given a field day due to the rains, not because I am sick of school {I actually enjoy going to school and filling my mind with information, and of course I like seeing my friends} it’s because I am trying to avoid a subject which is supposedly going to give a test today.

Guess what subject that is …..

If you answered Math, Science or English, Ill be happy to tell you that you are ……
.....wrong and I am not failing in any of those subjects, Im doing remarkably well actually.

The subject is …...


Yes Physical Education people! Go ahead judge me through your computer screens

I know, I am very ashamed that I wanted classes to be suspended because of PE. To be honest I really like PE, especially that our course is about Arnis which is loads of fun. Plus when they gave out Mid Semester Reports I got an A which I was very happy about. But alas happy moments only last for so long because right after they gave out MSR’s we had a practical test which I failed miserably in.

It was a fitness test to be specific. We had to do a Stork stand, where you have to tip toe on one foot and balance yourself for a given amount of time. 1 minute of balancing on your tip toes gives you an A. 30 seconds means you got 75 which is the passing score which is a pretty low score.

 *Sigh* do you know how much I got….

A 20

20 friggin Seconds. 
It means I failed L

I told my mom about this {because I’d rather her get mad now than on the day I get my report card}, I explained how if you are able to balance it means you are less prone to accidents and she just laughed. Probably because she understands how prone to accidents I am and that I don’t need a test to know that. Seriously I am the clumsiest person in the world.

 I would be okay with this if it wasn’t graded in PE…. Yes I accept the fact that I am inept and I could probably fall over a cliff one day or sprain my foot because I slipped on a banana peel but what I cannot accept is failing over a subject. I have a perfect above average record {not to brag} and I can’t put that in Jeopardy plus out of ALL SUBJECTS I could possibly fail PE is the one. How do you think would that look in a college application, when they evaluate and look at my report card they’ll probably only see the failing mark I got in PE and think I’m some uncoordinated chick who has no capability of doing anything but fail Physical Education.

My teacher says that there is still hope, IF I get the Culminating Task perfect which was suppose to be today. Thankfully there are no classes and they’ll be forced to move it because our group is so not prepared, and how could we be. With the time frame given we could barely even make half of the routine plus we need time to practice and make everything look presentable. It’s a good thing that problem is solved and we now still have 1 more week to prepare. Hopefully that will be enough to give us a perfect, A- plus worthy Arnis presentation.

Dear typhoon,

I am very grateful that you decided to come during the day of our PE culminating task. You don’t know how much this will help me get to first honor this quarter after being only second the in previous grading period. I hope though that while you’re here, giving us a free day, you are not taking the lives of my fellow countrymen who live in flood plains, coastal areas and who are stuck in heavy traffic near a tree or billboard which is on the verge of collapsing. Please spare them because there seems to be another typhoon coming our way.

Thank you


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