Going against the current

We live in a world where conformity prevails. Where in what is beautiful is defined by the standards of society. The way we have to act, what we have to say, what we have to wear is dictated by the popular. What is so wrong with individuality? Why do we have to go with what most think is appropriate? Why do we have to move with the flow and go with the current?
After years of seeing the effects of conformity I have come to the conclusion that I NEVER want to be part of the stereotype. I would rather be my own person than gain popularity for being society’s robot. Today I start the quest for individuality. Today I block my ears to the whispers that tell me what to do. Today I go against the current.
In the pages of this blog I will document my daily adventures as my own person. Due to the fact that pens and paper are quite expensive and that tree’s need to be saved the virtual route was the best way to go. I hope that throughout my journey I may be able to inspire people in one way or another to start their own quest for individuality and to become their own person.

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